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Gianferrari ... un marchio una storia

Fra la natura incontaminata dell'Appennino Reggiano, è sita la zona "Matildica" apprezzata fin dai tempi antichi per la qualità e la bontà dei suoi prodotti. Già nel 1046 Enrico III, Imperatore di Germania, chiedeva a Bonifacio padre di Matilde, futura vice Regina d'Italia, quel famoso aceto balsamico che si preparava nella rocca di Canossa. E che dire del Parmigiano Reggiano prodotto dal latte delle vacche rosse allevate in questa zona e del cui siero si nutrivano i maiali scelti per la pregiata salumeria.

Fu proprio qui, a Canossa, che nel 1951 Fernando Gianferrari, aiutato dalla moglie Maria, iniziò a lavorare salumi, da piccolo artigiano. Di padre in figlio, quest'arte fu poi tramandata fino ad oggi, per creare, attraverso decenni di esperienza, prodotti di alta qualità. Le carni impiegate, provenienti da suini pesanti, vengono lavorate artigianalmente e senza l'uso di conservanti. Queste caratteristiche, la lunga stagionatura e il particolare clima della Val d'Enza, rendono ogni prodotto marchiato Gianferrari, un pezzo unico per bontà e qualità.


Merano Wine Festival 8-12 novembre 2024

Merano Wine Festival 8-12 novembre 2024 | Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.

I nostri salumi

Salumi della migliore tradizione emiliana

Le carni impiegate, provenienti da suini pesanti, vengono lavorate artigianalmente e senza l'uso di conservanti. Queste caratteristiche, la lunga stagionatura e il particolare clima della Val d'Enza, rendono ogni prodotto marchiato Gianferrari, un pezzo unico per bontà e qualità.

Culatello in vescica

Per saperne di più

Culatello in vescica | Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.

Cuor di Viola

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Cuor di Viola | Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.

Viola di Canossa

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Viola di Canossa | Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.

Prosciutto crudo

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Prosciutto crudo | Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.

Salame di Maiale nero

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Salame di Maiale nero | Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.

Lardo stagionato di Maiale Nero

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Lardo stagionato di Maiale Nero | Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.

Pancetta Stesa di Canossa

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Pancetta Stesa di Canossa | Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.

Le guide

I nostri salumi nelle migliori Guide Gastronomiche

Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.
Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.
Gianferrari Salumificio - Canossa cured meats | The land of Matilde di Canossa is situated in the midst of the natural landscape of Appennino Reggiano.This land has always been appreciated for the good quality of its products. In 1046 the German Emperor Henry III asked Boniface, father of the future Queen of Italy Matilde, for that well known balsamic vinegar prepared in the Castle of Canossa. In the same land we also produce Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, obtained from the milk of the local 'red' cows whose whey was used to feed the pigs chosen and used in Our pork butchery.

Confezioni regalo

Vasta scelta di prodotti per i tuoi regali

Confezioniamo pacchi regalo e strenne natalizie che variano composizione e prezzi a seconda delle vostre esigenze.

Scelta della ditta Gianferrari quella di integrare ai salumi, altri prodotti di produzione artigianale e di qualità senza uso di conservanti né coloranti quali vini locali, pasta, mieli biologici, marmellate, salse ecc., seguendo la filosofia aziendale creando confezioni uniche che si distinguono per qualità ed immagine pur mantenendo un buon rapporto qualità/prezzo.